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Scientific publications


Gischig, V., Rinaldi, A. P., Alcolea, A., Bethman, F., Broccardo, M., Broker, K., Castilla, R., Ciardo, F., Clasen Repolles, V., Durand, V., Gholizadeh Doonechaly, N., Hertrich, M., Hochreutener, R., Kastli, P., Karvounis, D., Ma, X., Meier, M.-A., Meier, P., Mesimeri, M., Mignan, A., Obermann, A., Plenkers, K., Rosskopf, M., Serbeto, F., Selvadurai, P. A., Shakas, A., Villiger, L., Wenning, Q., Zappone, A., Aaron, J., Maurer, H., and Giardini, D. Updating induced seismic hazard assessments during hydraulic stimulation experiments in underground laboratories: workflows and limitations. EGUsphere [preprint].


​​Ciardo, F., Viesca, R. C. Non-linear stability analysis of slip in a single-degree-of-freedom elastic system with frictional evolution laws spanning aging to slip. (under review for Proceedings of the Royal Society A)



​​Ciardo, F., Lecampion, B. Injection-Induced Aseismic Slip in Tight Fractured Rocks. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. 56, 7027–7048.


Ciardo, F. and Rinaldi, A. P. Impact of injection rate ramp-up on nucleation and arrest of dynamic fault slip. Geomech. Geophys. Geo-energ. Geo-resour. 8, 28.


Ciardo, F., B. Lecampion, Fayard, F. and Chaillat, S. A fast boundary element based solver for localized inelastic deformations. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 121, 5696-5718.


Ciardo, F. and Lecampion, B. Effect of dilatancy on the transition from aseismic to seismic slip due to fluid injection in a fault. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 124, 3724- 3743.

PhD Thesis


Ciardo, F. Hydraulic stimulation of pre-existing discontinuities in tight rocks.

Supervisor: Prof. Brice Lecampion

https: //

Interested in joining

We are always looking for highly skilled and motivated new collaborators to join our group.

Prospective graduate students are invited to enroll for CEE graduate program at NU (Geotechnics and Geotechnical Engineering) - see for more details: 


If you are interested in joining our group as a postdoctoral researcher, please email

with your Curriculum Vitae, a statement explaining why you want to join our group, names and contact information of at least 2 references, and a journal article that best represents your research.  

2145 Sheridan Road - Tech A114,

Evanston, IL 60208-3109 - USA

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

© 2025

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